25 Apr 2024
Donation of Reading Books and Environmental Education to Reading Houses in Bekasi Regency

Bekasi Regency – To support literacy activities at a reading house in Bekasi, namely Rumah Pelangi, MNC Peduli distributed 100 reading books. This book donation aims to enrich the types of books available at Rumah Baca. This activity is a smart generation program for the nation's children from MNC Peduli.
Apart from this assistance, MNC Peduli also provides education regarding maintaining personal hygiene and protecting the environment by practicing good and correct hand washing and planting trees. The activity, which was attended by dozens of children, was held on Thursday (25/4/2024).
Head of CSR MNC Group, Tengku Havid said that this activity was part of the #GenerasiSerdasAnak Bangsa program which supports literacy intelligence. "We hope that increasing literacy can be beneficial for children in the future by making it easier to digest lessons at their respective schools," he said.
Tengku Havid also said that this activity was also carried out as a form of appreciation for literacy fighters and concern for the environment. "We must support literacy champions in increasing children's interest in reading and concern for the local environment," he concluded.
There are still many literacy warriors who need to receive support and appreciation from various parties in fueling the spirit of literacy among the community in broadening their horizons, especially for the nation's next generation of children.